The History of Money Point
We are over 25 years in business. A lot has happened on our journey so far...

1990 - 1993
DNA Finger Printing is Invented
Founded in 1990 by Tony Farrell, Money Point Limited began by providing a range of Tellermate Note & Coin Counting machines to Banks in Ireland.
In 1993 Money Point entered into a joint venture with NGZ GMBH to supply Note & Coin Packaging and Counting Systems including the Laurel Bank Machines of Japan. Money Point also started to develop its Cash Management Systems for Banks and Retailers.

1994 - 1996
Java is Developed by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems in 1994
1994 saw Money Point set up a subsidiary in the United States to market the Tellermate range of Note and Coin Counters.
1995 brought an agreement with TEC of Japan to distribute their range of PC based Cash Registers.
By 1996 the US operation was so successful, with sales of over $2m, the manufacturers Percell Group PLC (now Tellermate) bought the business.

1997 - 1998
The Search Engine Google is Founded
1997 was the year Money Point moved into the area of Air Tube Systems for transporting money, with an agreement from C.P. Bourg to represent them in Ireland.
1998 saw Money Point as one of the largest suppliers of Cash Handling Systems in Ireland with our Cash Management software widely used both in Ireland and the UK.

1999 - 2000
The Euro Currency is introduced into 11 countries
1999 was a consolidation year as Money Point planned the expansion of the company’s Cash Management Systems into additional export markets.
2000 saw Money Point take over the Laurel Bank machines distribution in Ireland and develop the coin and note packaging products into the market. We also developed Euro modelling systems for all the major treasury banks in the Republic of Ireland to forecast expected Euro requirements.

2001 - 2002
Wikipedia, a Wiki Free Content Encyclopedia, Goes Online, January 15th, 2001
2001 was an intense year for us with heavy investment needed in preparation for the introduction of the Euro.
Money Point achieve ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems Certification status the business.
2002 brought in the first installation of self-service coin deposit machines with the Central Bank of Ireland.
An increase in growth for software development led to the first multi-site cash centre system being installed during the year.

2003 - 2004
The Spire of Dublin on O’Connell Street is Officially Completed
2003 started with an increased focus on CashMan™ development. The increase in counterfeit notes necessitated the introduction of more sophisticated products and Money Point led the way with new products in the area.
2004 brings a first for Money Point as we start providing internet based real time cash depositing and enquiries for the banks.

2005 - 2006
The Popular Video Sharing Website ‘YouTube’ is created in February, 2005
In 2005, we introduced the EuroScan unit to the market to deal with the ever increasing levels of Counterfeit Notes. This unique machine is able to scan the note and give the operator the definitive yes or no on the authenticity of the note.
2006 saw the spread of CashMan™ Retail with over 50 installations in the UK and Spain.

2007 - 2011
The World’s Tallest Building, the Burj Khalifa at 2,716ft High Opens in Dubai
Money Point make plans to move to a new, larger premises in 2007 in order to keep up with growth in the company.
In 2001 the signing of our CashMan™ software distribution agreement for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia between Money Point Ltd Ireland and Abana Enterprises Group Company took place at MEFTEC conference 2011 in Abu Dhabi, UAE.

2012 - 2014
Facebook Goes Public on May 18th, 2012. Twitter Goes Public on Sep 12th, 2013.
In 2012 Money Point Launched a new range of Julong Banknote Fitness Sorter machines.
In 2014 Money Point secured another contract with Abana Enterprises Group in Saudi Arabia.
The European Central Bank launched the first two banknotes of the new Europa Series 2 banknotes. The ES2 €5 was released in May, 2013 and the ES2 €10 came into circulation in September, 2014.

Scientists Find Flowing Liquid Water On Mars
In 2015 Money Points 15 year relationship with Primark has expanded beyond Ireland, the UK and Europe across to the US.
In other news, flowing liquid water is found on Mars
Money Point increased our workforce by 30%.
Money Point successfully informed and updated over 1,250 customers note counting, sorting and counterfeit detection machines in the lead up to the ECBs ES2 €20 banknote launch on November 25th.

The Brexit referendum took place on 23 June 2016 in the UK and Gibraltar. 51.9% of people voted in favour of leaving the EU. Donald Trump won the U.S. presidential election on November 8, 2016 and became the President-elect.
Money Point attended CUDA, Hospitality 2016, The Irish Gaming Expo, Food & Beverage Live 2016 and the ILCU Tradeshow.
The first cash centre in Abana bank in Saudi Arabia went live with CashMan software.
Money Point launched a new website.
Negotiations started to supply Ryanair Dublin & Stanstead with cash handling solutions.
Agreements to supply a second 2nd cash centre in Saudi Arabia were made.
The CounterCache Intelligent was introduced to the Irish marketplace via Supervalu.
Our new showroom was completed!

2017 was marked with notable installations of full service cash recycling solutions in credit unions across the country.
Money Point exhibited at CUDA, Catex, the Irish Gaming Show and the ILCU tradeshow.
Preparations began to achieve ISO 9001:2015 certification and we also began working with Ryanair to upgrade and streamline their cash handling processes in both Dublin and Stanstead.
In November, Money Point were named as finalists in two categories at the National Retail Supplier Awards; Best Shop Equipment Supplier and Best POS Equipment Supplier.
And In Other News…
The ECB launched the new €50 note on the 4th of April 2017. In advance of that date a huge amount of work was done to ensure that all of Money Points’ customers were aware of the new note, its features and how the change would affect their existing cash processing equipment.
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